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Letter From China |
This is a brief links page to a series of letters we have written regarding life in China.
We are pleased to welcome Cynthia Muak to our growing team of contributors, who relates Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong times from before 'Openness', compared to 'opening', and since.
Our contributors:
• Cynthia Muak
• Dawn Edmonds
• Denis Pavett
• Jim Chenoweth
• Jonno Morris
• Mandarin House Present: - Chinese Corners
A Letter From China is an infrequent, irreverent, and irrelevant missive concerning whatever we care to write about. They usually highlight the differences in thinking and culture between East and West, as echoed by observation of the
local streets we walk upon in everyday life. However, it is always the local people we meet, and the crazy things that happen - that make these letters so interesting
This page mirrors our normal page and is for older browsers only.
A Letter From China: |
By Jonno:
Jonno is a British expat who has lived in Guangdong since 2004. He is married to a Cantonese girl and they have one daughter. Many of Jonno's letters show the differences in thinking between western and oriental life, often summed
up by the phrase 'Here is China!'
Jonno's Latest:
Foreigners Abroad (17 Pages) Jonno has not added new content for some time, due to publishing his books. He will return with several catch-up missives over
summer 2016.
Cynthia Muak
Cynthia offers a foreigner's view of China in the decades before and following 'Openness'. Much has changed since, and much has not; her experiences are extremely interesting and lead one to deeper understanding, and especially
how these affected her life in Hong Kong.
Cynthia's 'Wonders of China' is now complete, and reflects China as expats know the country. These stories are very readable, a must for those interested in Chinese history and culture. Read: The
Wonders of China, Part One
Letters Listing:
Short Story (58
Pages total)
Telegraph Blog
Jonno also writes occasionally in the Expat section
of the Daily Telegraph community.
You can read
his short letters here |
By Cynthia Muak:
Cynthia comes from Malaysia, the daughter of Chinese parents. She has lived and worked in Hong Kong under British rule, and later, travelled extensively throughout the Chinese Mainland. Her revealing letters reflect the changing
times, and slowly changing attitudes surrounding the period just after Chinese Openness began. Chinese readers will also find her insight fascinating.
The 'Wonders' series is written in China Expats style, much tongue in cheek, and telling it how it is/was. The relevance is depicted through various trips to China Mainland, which all China expat's will finds hilarious; Wonders
4: Compass is a knock-out must read!
By Jim Chenoweth:
Jim is an American Expat from Seattle, and he
met Jonno in a bar in Hong Kong several years
ago. Jim is an artist deeply into ceramics and
glass, but is currently teaching to provide a
living for his Chinese girlfriend, dog and cat. |
By Dawn Edmonds:
Dave and Dawn Edmonds are very old friends of
ours. 5 years ago Dawn kindly wrote a very interesting
article for a sister website, which was published
under their Nepal section. We have added this
letter for general interest, and Dawn will write
more in the future. |
By Denis Pavett:
Denis Pavett is a British expat who moved to China
in 2010 with the intention of settling down with
his Chinese wife and their son. We all look forward
to reading of Denis' exploits in Chongqing, Urumqi,
and later Hangzhou next year - Welcome Denis!
Chinese Corners
Mandarin House are one of the foremost language
schools in China with offices in Beijing and Shanghai.
They have a dedicated Facebook website supplementing
their standard one, where they present Chinese
Corners - short contributions from their patrons
and friends. You may know Facebook is banned in
China, so we will reproduce some of the contributions
for those readers who do not use 'vpn'. Detail:
Chinese Corners: |
Not sure where to begin?
Below we list our top stories for each month based
upon the number of times each story was read by
different people (or different computers at least).
Having been engrossed in writing my trilogy for
the last six months, you will be very pleased
to learn that I and other writers are now editing
many new missives for your perusal and entertainment. |
Top Letters (Summer 2014)
Always Popular: |
Notable: |
This information is Copyright of Jonno Morris
and may be reproduced for personal and private use under
Collective Commons 3 Licence. This does not extend to
other author's work whose permission you should seek
via this portal, or personally.
You are not allowed to use this information to make
money - regardless of how fancy or well paid your lawyers
may be.
Some artistic licence has been used arbitrarily in some
of these Letters, and whilst most facts are in essence
correct, some personal and literary interpretation may
have been employed to greater or lesser degrees. |
Highlights |

Music Downloads: Faye Wong now
has her own page: more... |
