
This Sitemap is primarily intended to help visually impaired people, and those with other sensory difficulties easily navigate this website - which contains a large JavaScript driven menu system, which in turn is not normally accessible to text readers and similar. Therefore this page is designed to offer surfers a different option they can access with ease. Please contact us if you think we can improve this page for your particular situation or view of this world.

Please also know that this sitemap is updated on a monthly basis, or when a new section is completed. Therefore it may not reflect all currently available pages at any given time, but will cover 99%


Main Navigation

Main Menu

About China

Business Services

Chinese History

Chinese Films and TV

Chinese Music


Kung Fu

Letters From China

Standard links, some using iFrames

Recipes for Expats

Speak Cantonese

The above language pages use 'i-Frames' to display the text. These text files are printer friendly. The text contains both English and Chinese characters, so please use a suitable 'encoding' such as UTF-8. Text readers should access these files as located below:

Simple English

The above language pages use 'i-Frames' to display the text. These text files are printer friendly. The text contains both English and Chinese characters, so please use a suitable 'encoding' such as UTF-8. Text readers should access these files as located below:

Tourist Information and City Guides

Useful Information for Expats Living in China


Useful Links

Page Bottom Links

This Sitemap was published on 17th December 2010, and lists all useful and current internal and external links. It does not include any subdomains, but does include iframe support pages and printtext pages (Which will close if opened normally).

Please note that unlike MicroSoft and other Global Monopolies, we do actually provide contact details - simply because 'You' are important to us.

Google also provide contact details, but your emails go directly into their Junk bin, and are never answered - China-Expats answers all legitimate enquiries - simply because 'You' matter to us!